1 - The Good Person

Basic Info

Core FearBeing corrupt/evil, defective
Core DesireTo be good, to have integrity, to be balanced
Body CenterGut
Social StyleCompliant
Problem Solving StyleCompetency
Emotional NeedAutonomy
Emotional IssuesAnger
InstintictSelf-preservation (How am I?)
VulnerabilitiesCriticism, judged to be wrong
Appealing ThingsInspirational
Make The World...A better place
Blind SpotWhat is good in the situation?

Relations to Other Numbers

During stress, tends towards4
During growth, tends towards7


"Practice makes perfect"
"Honesty is the best policy"
"A place for everything, and everything in its place"
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness"

Virtuous Ideals

"Acceptance that perfection is a process"
"Go placidly through the world"
"Grant me the courage to change what I can change"
"Appreciate excellence & do whatever you are doing well"


Serenity: acceptance of what is
Exact & precise thinking, and diligent actions
High principles & standards
Quality control

Character Arc

1. I am Right
2. Form Reactions
3. Anger
4. Goodness
What is each step of the Character Arc called?
  1. Counterfeit Virtue (Mask)
  2. Defense Mechanism
  3. Area of Avoidance
  4. Genuine Virtue
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