2 - The Loving Person

Basic Info

Core FearBeing unwanted, unworthy of being loved
Core DesireTo feel loved
Body CenterHeart
Social StyleCompliant
Problem Solving StyleOptimist
Emotional NeedAttention
Emotional IssuesShame, Sadness
InstintictSocial Relationships (Who am I with?)
VulnerabilitiesRejection, isolation, not appreciated
Appealing ThingsRelational
Make The World...more loving
Blind SpotWhat do I need?

Relations to Other Numbers

During stress, tends towards8
During growth, tends towards4


"A friend in need is a friend indeed"
"Pay it forward"
"You can have everything you want in life if you just help enough people get what they want"

Virtuous Ideals

"Freedom means living within the natural laws"
"Love your neighbor as yourself"
"If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"


Acceptance of one's self
Sensitive to others' needs and feelings
Generous affirmation and support of others
No one is forgotten

Character Arc

1. I am Helpful
2. Repression
3. Own Needs
4. Love
What is each step of the Character Arc called?
  1. Counterfeit Virtue (Mask)
  2. Defense Mechanism
  3. Area of Avoidance
  4. Genuine Virtue
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