4 - The Original Person

Basic Info

Core FearThat they have no identity or personal significance
Core DesireTo find themselves and their significance (to create an identity)
Body CenterHeart
Social StyleWithdrawn
Problem Solving StyleReactive
Emotional NeedAttention
Emotional IssuesShame, Sadness
InstintictSocial Relationships (Who am I with?)
VulnerabilitiesLeft out, inauthentic, abandoned
Appealing ThingsBeautiful
Make The World...more beautiful
Blind SpotWhat is actually here and now?

Relations to Other Numbers

During stress, tends towards2
During growth, tends towards1


"Stop and smell the roses"
"Absense makes the heart grow fonder"
"The course of true love never did run smooth"
"Don't cast your pearls before swine"
"In the world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what you want and the other is getting it."

Virtuous Ideals

"I am already original"
"I belong in this world"
"Beauty alone is lasting"


Show sensitivity, appreciation, respect
Intuitive aesthetic sense
Grace & beauty
Attuned to mood of others
Active imagination

Character Arc

1. I am Special
2. Introjection
3. Ordinariness
4. Originality
What is each step of the Character Arc called?
  1. Counterfeit Virtue (Mask)
  2. Defense Mechanism
  3. Area of Avoidance
  4. Genuine Virtue
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